MORE Brewing Co.
As the Creative Director, I spent my time as the one-man creative force behind MORE Brewing Company’s three locations in the Chicagoland area. It was my goal to develop engaging content and to create artistic cohesion between all visual communication between labels, social media, and merchandise.
This is a collection of product release imagery I shot for social media and other platforms.
My goal for this project is to bring back the tradition of studio portraiture by using the meticulous wet-plate collodion process as a building block for my artistic vision. I want to treat a photographic portrait as an epochal event in one's life while still maintaining the subject's true personality. In the past, people would bring in items of wealth and value to display social class or societal importance. Instead, I want my subjects to curate whats truly important and meaningful to them by bringing any sort material items that they have personally bonded to or have great personal importance. Whether its a loved one or relative, heirloom, pet, or anything else that has specific importance to them, I want that captured on a one-of-kind piece of photographic history that in turn, becomes its own sort of relic to be admired and cherished for many years to come.
An ongoing collection of some of my instant photographic work.
With simplicity in mind and nostalgia on the nose, many contemporary photographers—including myself—have been infatuated with the unique characteristics ingrained in instant photography. But it’s in that same simplicity, where we can push the boundaries of our own creativity at the push of a button.
A visual study on the characteristics of Coffee Beans.
I have always been fascinated by the incredibly diverse world of coffee. From plant to brew, the amount of craft and meticulous tweaking that goes into making the perfect cup is nothing short of a mastery. In the Spring of 2019, I spent the semester creating a visual journal of the different “faces” of roasted coffee beans from around the world. What I discovered was an extensive universe of visual features just as vast and reminiscent of traditional portraiture.